Just a few pictures of the Cane Toad that was out back by the drying line.
He must have been pissed off by my flash because he puffed up and rotated his back towards me so his venom glands were aimed at me.
There the biggest ecological disaster. They have taken over and eat everything in site. Hopefully the smart crows up north, that have found a way to eat them without ingesting the venom, will breed and spread down south to take some of them out. We'll see
Not a whole lot going on. Went to the Caxton Street Seafood and Wine festival last Monday for Labour Day. Saw a bunch of cool bands and enjoyed the festival crowd. Not too much wine or seafood but it was cool.
Felt like crap when I woke up this morning so I didn't end up going to class today. It was the first time in about 5 years I've felt a little sick so we'll see how it goes.
Sorry for not updating often. This last month or so will be bad considering all the stuff I have to do. Please leave me a comment or send me an e-mail and bitch at me for not updating and I will.
I've gotten a few e-mails saying that it is difficult to post a comment on the blog.
It's really easy. There is no need to sign up for a Google account or anything. At the end of each post there is a line that tells you how many comments have been made: "0 comments", "5 comments" ect. just click on that link to post a comment.
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Then click "Post comment". That's it. Really easy. If you have any questions send an e-mail and I'll help you out.
I'm going to get back to writing and then head to bed and hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.
Hope you're feeling better, and are able to take more pics of animals. I'm still waiting on some snake pictures.
am really enjoying looking at the pictures that you take - the toad is pretty cool but my favorite so far is the one of the sea. It is absolutely breathtaking. Does it really look as beautiful as it does in the pic?
As far as the toad goes, try and invent or discover some bizarre use for the venom and you can become rich and famous!
Hi buddy, this is Papa--sorry your not in the best of health--hope it blows over soon! Glad you wrote some more in the blog--we missed hearing from "down under", and the photo's are great--Gramma & I are saving all in a hardcopy folder--animal/bird life is much different than here--hope you're coping.
Thanks for all the links to those sites--have got to explore them, even with a slow phone modem down here. And thanks for the nice Mother's Day message to Gramma--it made her day! Love you, Papa.
This is Papa--really enjoy your blog--hope you add to it soon, even tho you don't feel so good--am going back to Ohio on Sat., Gramma left today by airplane, so she's already there--will call her after 9pm.
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