Sunday, April 15, 2007

Some more pictures.

Just taking a break from writing my paper and decided to post some more pictures from the last week or so.

East Coast Blues and Roots Festival


They played an excellent set. Ended up about 5 rows from the front. Amazing.

The son of the greatest Reggae legend.

Ziggy Marley
The closest I can get to the late Legend. After it was over it's hard to comprehend who you just saw. It was very cool to see some of my favorite songs played by Ziggy. Truly amazing. Go see him if you ever get a chance.

Our casino in town.

Not sure what kind he is but has a very cool song. I have a little video as well. I'll try and see if I can add it here somehow.

The eastern most point in Australia. Byron Bay.

A dingy on the river.

Our friends at the house. There's probably about 20-30 all over the house. They keep the bugs down and they bark at night. Pretty cool.

That's all for now. Back to my paper.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ziggy Marley WOW very cool!!! Utah is now getting warm. Spring time has arrived. Soccer started Saturday and we missed you. We have a guy who came from Holland and he played semi pro. He's pretty good. Hopefully he'll stick around. Talk to you later.