Happy Birthday to Logan he turns 3 today. He's growing up too fast.
Otherwise just a quick one today. I'm taking a break from yet another assessment. This next month is not going to be too pretty. My thesis paper is due, my bug collection and a group presentation. So lots of coffee will be involved as I'll be sleep deprived for most of it. But after that I'll just have two exams and then I'll be done. I hope.
My back is doing a lot better. I'm on the waiting list for surgery but it would probably not be until the middle of June but I'm seriously considering not having it done. But I'm not sure if it is better to get it over with or to wait until next time it slips again. I will call on Thursday and see what they recommend. It's only painful when I first get up and the numbness is just about gone. So it seems like it's getting better as I can run now without any problem. A long way from only a month ago.
I'm still looking for jobs down here and in New Zealand as well. I have applied for a few but I've been too busy with school stuff to have a good look. I'm hoping for Auckland or Melbourne as my first picks...so if anyone knows of any contacts it would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking forward to starting something new that I actually enjoy. Hopefully I can find something. We'll see.
Just a few pictures for you this time.
From my bug collection
How much is your beer worth???
I think some are off though because it's hard to find a pint here for less than $4.50.
Back to more work.